Review Policy

SINCE JUNE 12, 2014

I am currently accepting select Young Adult/Teen/Middle Grade books for review.
You can email me at

I accept ARCs/Review Copies and finished copies in ebook or in print. If the book is part of a series, then I'll need the previous books too, unless I've reviewed the previous books already. I accept select self-published books.

Signed copies are very much appreciated, but they are not required.


I read teen books in the following genres:

  • Contemporary Fiction
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Historical Fiction
  • Fantasy Romance
  • Dystopian Romance
  • Mystery
  • Sci-fi Romance
  • Paranormal (not horror) Romance

I WON'T accept books in the following genres:

  • Non-fiction
  • Political/Economics
  • Poetry
  • Christian books
  • Short story compilations without relation to each other
  • Biographies
  • Fan books (like One Direction 101, All About Justin Bieber, etc.)
  • MEGA Horror

I MIGHT consider some books that are not in the genres that I enjoy, but I can be picky.

Accepted Books

If your book fits in the genres I enjoy, your book is automatically accepted. Accepted books will be on my to-be-read list. It may take 1-3 weeks for me to post the review, BUT if I'm really busy, it could take up to 2 months or more. I will email you if I want to interview you regarding your book.


I write honest reviews, but I try to be polite. I do not post nasty comments about the book, author or publisher. If my rating for the book is lower than 3 stars, I'll email you the review first, and you can ask me to post the review or not. 

My reviews include:

  • Cover
  • Title, Author, Publisher (unless unsure of, which is unusual)
  • Format and where I got the book
  • Summary from Goodreads/author/jacket flap, etc.
  • My review/reaction, what I liked and didn't
  • Potato Rating (like other star ratings-- it's just potatoes for me)


Giveaways drive more attention to the book. 
I would like to host the giveaway for you! But, I'll also need a copy of a book. My copy doesn't need to be of the same format with the one on the giveaway. The thing is, I need to read the book too. Because I need to read the book too, same genre requirements apply. 
Please note: Giveaways are not required for review requests, BUT review copies are required for giveaways.

Any format (ebook, paperback, audiobook, etc.) is accepted, but physical copies (paperback, hardcover) are preferred. 

Just email me your request with the following:

  • Title and Author
  • Format of the book (paperback, ebook, etc.)
  • Additional details (Is the book an ARC, is it signed, etc.)
  • Shipping requirements (US only, International, Canada only, etc.)
  • Run time of the giveaway
  • (OPTIONAL) SNS Accounts: Facebook page- not account, Twitter account, Goodreads page, etc. Please note that your main language for those pages/accounts must be English.

Thanks to Small Review :)